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We the WISers developed soft microelectronics technology for wearable computing and digital health.

A wearable in-sensor computing platform based on stretchable organic electrochemical transistors...

We the WISers developed the world’s first OECT-CGM!

Congratulations to Jing, Dingyao, Xinyu and other team members’s work published on Science Advances! We...

PERfECT makes a global impact!

PERfECT wearables is funded by: ITC Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (National Key R&D Program)...
2024-10Editor’s feature, Tech Xplore: Stretchable transistors used in wearable devices enable in-sensor edge computing!
2024-10Our OECT-CGM is highlighted by croucher!
2024-8Invited by Dr.Linrun Feng Founder& Co-CEO of LinkZill, Dr. Zhang delivered a Talk: Tissue-like microelectronics linking humans and machines
2024-7“Novel Hydrogel Materials for Flexible Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Design and Integration” Chair Tao Zhou welcomes focused session speakers Sihong Wang and Shiming Zhang.
2024-6Dr. Zhang served as the panel chairperson and poster adjudicator at the BME International Symposium 2024!
2024-6Dr. Jia Liu and Dr. Yu Shrike Zhang Visited HKU and delivered “Soft and flexible bioelectronics for stem cell engineering and brain-machine interfaces” and “High-content Modeling of Human Tissues and Diseases in vitro”
2024-5Dr. Shuyu Lin Visits HKU, Delivering Presentation on ‘Wearable Biosensing Technologies and Their Translation’!
2024-5Dr. Xiaodong Chen Visits HKU and WISE Lab, Unveiling Cutting-Edge Presentation on ‘Bio-interfaced Electronics’!
2024-5Dr. Zhang was appointed as honorary faculty member at HKU Shenzhen hospital!
2024-4Congratulations to Jing, Dingyao, Xinyu and other team members’s work published on Science Advances! We the WISers developed the world’s first OECT-CGM!
2024-1Our research is funded by RGC Collaborative Research Fund (YCRG) with project title:“Fundamental studies of organic mixed conductors for body-centric wearable applications”. Congratulations to the team!
2023-8Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at the 19th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (Changchun):  “Detect the undetectable: the synergy of organic microelectronics and electrochemistry for future biowearables”.
2023-7Dr. Zhang delivered a seminar at École Polytechnique de Montréal (Montréal, Canada):  “Detect the undetectable: the synergy of organic microelectronics and electrochemistry for future biowearables”.
2023-6Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany): Stretchable organic electrochemical transistors.
2023-5Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at the EMRS Spring 2023 (Strasbourg, France): Scalable Manufacturing of Soft Microelectronics: Materials, Devices and Applications.
2023-4The WISE team wins a GOLD Medal with the PERfECT wearable project at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland). Congratulations!
2023-04Congratulate Shilei on being awarded the prestigious RGC Postdoc Fellow!
2023-02Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at the PolyU: Scalable Manufacturing of Soft Microelectronics: Materials, Devices and Applications.
2022-11Congratulate to WISE group members for Winning the 7th Innoshow award: PERfECT Viral Sewage Monitoring System.
2022-11HKU TTO highlighted our wearable research as “SUCCESS STORY” in the newsletter: The invention of tiny biosensing wearables powered by a flexible lightweight semiconductor has the potential to transform healthcare.
2022-11Dr. Zhang delivered the Admissions Talk on behalf of HKU: “Opportunities and Prospects in the Field of Engineering”.
2022-11Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at the Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology: Scalable Manufacturing of Soft Microelectronics: From Materials to Applications.
2022-11Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at the IEEE TENCON 2022: Scalable Manufacturing of Soft Microelectronics: From Materials to Applications.
2022-11Our president, Prof. Xiang Zhang, visited WISE for PERfECT.
2022-10Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) exhibits PERfECT in the GeronTech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES 2022)
2022-10PERfECT is selected as the only “Killer Demo” of EEE on HKU Info Day.
2022-10HKU selected PERfECT as one of the eight representative projects to showcase the University’s breakthroughs in technology innovation.
2022-10The Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Rebecca Pun, and the Dean of HKU Engineering, Prof. David Srolovitz, presented the Award to the student team working on PERfECT.
2022-9 Dr. Zhang will deliver an invited talk on soft and wearable OECTs at EMRS 2023 Spring. Symposium organizers (John Labram, University College London, Alexandra Paterson, University of Kentucky, Christian Nielsen, Queen Mary University of London, Björn Lüssem, Universität Bremen).
2022-9PERfECT (A coin-sized wearable biosensing platform) is Reported by 中國科協(科技導報),美國科學促進會AAAS,美国化学会,英國Physics. Org,中國新聞網,香港創新科技及工業局,廣東省政府,新浪,搜狐,香港大公報,香港文匯報, Engineer, HospiMedica, MorningNews, BioSpectrum等數十家政府,科技,以及學術媒體。
2022-08PERfECT is showcased in Innowings 2nd: Digitization.
2022-08Prof. Xueji Zhang, Vice President of Shenzhen University, visited WISE for PERfECT.
2022-06Congratulate to WISE group members for Winning the 6th Innoshow award:“PERfECT Wearables for Minimally-Invasive and Continuous Blood-Glucose Monitoring”!
2022-06WISE Undergraduate student team (Nafisa, Yazhou, Rachel, Andy) with their project “PERfECT Viral Sewage Monitoring System” won the competition in HKAES 2021-22 University Pitch Competition on Global Grand Challenges!! They automatically become one of the five teams representing China (and the only team representing Hong Kong) to compete in the International Student Competition of the 5th Global Grand Challenges Summit. Big honor for WISE and HKU!! Congratulations to all!!!
2022-06Dr. Zhang is invited as Chair in the section of sensors, actuators, and bioelectronics at the International Conference on Intelligent Wearable Systems (ICISS 2022)
2022-05Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at MRS Spring 2022 (SB06): Soft and wearable organic bioelectronics for biomedical innovation.
2022-05We are honored to host the invited talk by Prof. Khademhosseini at HKU BME on precision medicine!
2022-04Dr. Zhang delivered an invited talk at Innovation Academy: From hospital-centric to human-centric: Personalized wearables for digital healthcare.
2022-04Dr. Zhang will be delivering an invited talk on soft OECTs and medical wearables at IEEE Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC) 2022.
2022-04Dr Zhang is invited as TPC members of IEEE Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC) 2022 conference.
2022-04WISE receives the Small Equipment Grant from the URC. Thanks for the great support on our projects!
2022-04The miniaturized PERfECT chip developed for wearable OECTs is published on Analytical Chemistry and is featured as the cover! Congratulations to Xinyu and the team (WISE\’s first paper)!
2022-03We are honored to host the invited talk by Prof. Cooper at HKU BME on remote biosensing!
2022-03We are honored to host the invited talk by Prof. Someya at HKU BME on electronic skin!
2022-03We are honored to host the invited talk by Prof. Malliaras at HKU BME on bioelectronic medicine!
2022-02Congratulations to Xinyu on winning the MRS Best Presentation Award!
2022-01Dr. Zhang will be delivering an invited talk on soft OECTs at MRS 2022 Spring! Symposium organizers (Prof. Alberto Salleo, Prof. Roisin Owens, Prof. Susan Daniel, and Prof. Anna-Maria Pappa).
2022-01The course BMED 4505 Advanced Bioelectronics starts!
2021-12Dr Zhang is invited as symposium chairs at MRS Fall meetings.
2021-12Breaking news: Prof. Ali Khademhosseini (TIBI), Prof. George Malliaras (Cambridge), and Prof. Takao Someya (Tokyo) have accepted the WISE invitation to deliver the first distinguished lecture series at HKU BME, stay tuned!
2021-12Dr. Zhang delivers an invited talk at CAS Institute of Semiconductors on emerging soft semiconductor technologies for wearable innovation.
2021-12Dr. Zhang delivers an invited talk at HKUMed on soft wearables for health innovation.
2021-12Congratulations to Dingyao for successfully delivering the talk at MRS Fall 2021 on soft OECTs!
2021-12Congratulations to Xinyu for successfully delivering the talk at MRS Fall 2021 on the PERfECT project!
2021-12We are happy to share that WISE has spun off a startup company “SESIC”. SESIC means “soft electronics and soft integrated circuits” aiming for wearable health innovation.
2021-11Congratulate to WISE group members for Winning the 5th Innoshow award: “PERfECT wearables: a coin-sized platform for wearable innovations”!
2021-11WISE is invited to showcase our PEFfECT and soft electronics projects by the Innovation Wing.
2021-10Dr. Zhang is invited by iCANX as a Panelist to host the talk by Prof. Zhongqun Tian from Xiamen University.
2021-10PERfECT is a US pending patent now!
2021-09OECT pressure sensor is a US pending patent now!
2021-09Dr. Zhang will be delivering an invited talk at the 2nd International Conference on Flexible & Printed Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (ICFPOE 2021).
2021-09“High throughput and high transconductance soft OECT biosensors” is a US pending patent now!
2021-08Our group received the first competitive grant from Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing!
2021-08Our “PERfECT” project presented by Xinyu winning the 2021 IEEE EMB Hong Kong-Macau Student Project Competition Award. Congratulations to Xinyu!
2021-08Xinyu`s work on “PERfECT” is accepted by the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting. Congratulations!
2021-08Dingyao`s work on soft OECTs is accepted by the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting. Congratulations!
2021-08Dr. Zhang is invited to serve as the Principle Editor for the Journal “MRS Advances”
2021-07Our paper entitled “Harnessing the wide-range strain sensitivity of bilayered PEDOT:PSS films for wearable health monitoring” is published on the Journal Matter!
2021-07Congratulations to Xinyu on winning the Faculy of Engineering Central Postgraduate Scholarship!
2021-06Dr. Zhang is invited as a symposium organizer by 2021 MRS Conference SB07-Soft, Healable Materials and Devices for Biological Interfaces and Wearables.
2021-05Dr. Zhang is invited as the Events Committee Chair by IEEE NANO 2021
2021-04Dr. Zhang is invited to serve as Associate Editor for the Journal “Frontiers in Medical Technology”
2021-03“New Low-voltage, low-power pressure sensors may monitor health parameters”
2020-10Wearable pressure-sensitive devices for medical use.
2019-11“Making hydrogel bioelectronics at room temperature”